The Square Ring is a fast-paced asymmetric fighting game of positional awareness and tactical decisions.
Players will use their footwork, attacks, and defenses to win the judge's decision over three rounds OR hunt for the KO!
Prance around the canvas as a Showboat, crowd and clobber the opponent as the Infighter, or give your opponent a very rude first round with “El Nuke” as the Brawler.
With 8 very unique characters, everyone can find a way to express themselves in The Square Ring.
Part of all profits from the square ring will go towards harlem free fight academy.
boxing can be a transformative pursuit and this is our way to give back to the community!
You ready, kid?
Get to know our new community, help with playtesting, and shape the game!
We ARE live on kickstarter!
Stay updated on our campaign and receive exclusive Square Ring content!